2014 Bookish Resolutions

I am in the middle of a slight obsession with watching 2014 Book Resolutions, all thanks to RinceyReads on youtube. I thought since I have just made AmbrosiaBooks and want to make it into something amazing, this might be a good thing to follow. Now…what would be some good 2014 resolutions? *rubs chin*

1. Read 70 books this year. Since I just began reading again at the end of last year, I really want to pick up the pace on all the books on my TBR list. If i have a set number, I can push and motivate myself. On Goodreads everyone wants to read over 100+ books. I’m not a master reader and also want to have a life, so 70 books seems like a great number. And if I go over…well, yay for me!

2. Destroy my Mount TBR. I learned about this from RinceyReads as well. My TBR list is disgusting. 400+ books!!! Who does that?!?!?! Apparently, this girl *points at self*. From my understanding, the Mount TBR challenge is where you read books that are from your earliest adds. On Goodreads, I have books on this list from 2009. Something has got to give. So, for every two (or three) current books, i will read 1 book from Mount TBR.

3. Buy physical copies of books i’ve read on my Nook. I have a crap ton of books on my Nook due to the fact that ebooks are really really easy to obtain. I have this thing where I need instant gratification. So this is the rule I have put out for myself. Buy books that I’ve read as an ebook in physical copies. If I need to read a book that I MUST HAVE at that very minute, I can download it. But if I end up really liking the book by page 150, I must buy the book from a store.

4. Discover new book bloggers and booktubers and feature them on Ambrosia Books. I once watched a video on youtube from a Booktuber who felt like Booktube wasn’t fair. She felt that Booktube was ran by a certain clique that got a majority of views and left other Booktubers in the dust forever unknown. Even though I have subscribed to this “clique”, I want to go out of my way and find out about old/new blogs and old/new booktubers. It’s only fair.

5. Be more sociable in my book clubs by reading 1 or 2 book club reads a month and talking to members about them. I use the words “disgusting amount” on Ambrosia Books a lot. Like, I have a disgusting amount of books in my closet that I haven’t read. Or, I have an absolutely DISGUSTING AMOUNT of ebooks (426). Well, i am in a disgusting amount of Book Clubs on Goodreads. DISGUSTING! So I will be more proactive this year, i promise.

6. Do two read-a-thons and two challenges. My last read-a-thon was a disaster MASSIVE, which sucks. I really really want to participate in one of these!

7. Do two videos a week. I don’t know how some Booktubers do a video a day. That seems uber stressful. So, i’m thinking two videos a week should be doable. It will keep Ambrosia a well oiled machine.

8. Be consistent with Ambrosia Books. I work a lot and sometimes don’t have anytime to myself by the end of the day. But if i want followers and people to love what i’m doing, I have to be consistent. There’s nothing more annoying than finding a new blog/booktuber and they haven’t put up a new video in months.

9. Ask for help. A lot of people go into blogging/booktubing thinking they know everything. I don’t want to be that person. I don’t know much about this community and what appeals to it, so I want to ask for help. I want to make Ambrosia the absolute most AMAZING THING EVER! Can’t do that alone.

10. Buy a bookshelf. Lord knows I need it. Just scared that Pemberley is going to go all Evil Knievel on me and try and climb it!

So those are my 2014 Bookish Resolutions. I had a lot more than I expected, but i’m sure I can accomplish them. What are some of your resolutions and goals when it comes to reading and books?

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