Adult Fiction Review: “The Witches of East End” by Melissa de la Cruz


Magic. I LOVE MAGIC! Witches and fairies and mythology, it’s my thing. So when I say this, please believe me. It hurts me more than anyone else. *clears throat*


I don’t even know what to say. Actually, I do, but it’s all about how to organize my rant. I’m sorry, did I forget to tell you this a rant?

This a rant and let me say, Diandra is not happy.

I would give you a quick synopsis IF I EVEN KNEW WHAT THIS BOOK WAS ABOUT!!! Oh my god, this experience was awful. I went into this book all high hoped because the TV series is awesome. I already knew the book and the tv series were going in separate directions before I read it. It was fine. So there wasn’t a shapeshifting badass slutty aunt. FINE! So Freya and Ingrid have knowledge of their lives and powers. ACCEPTABLE! But zombies, vampires, Angel of Death? What…the….fu-


I feel like de la Cruz had NO IDEA what she was doing. Like she had an idea of the concept, but lost it after the five chapters. I was scratching my head going “what?” so many times, I should have just given up. But i’m no quitter. Hell no, i’m not. Even amidst this absolute destruction, I held on for the rest of the ride.

Too much was going on. Between the Norse mythology, Salem Witch Trial flashback, zombies, and vampires, de la Cruz tried to fit every mythological creature in this book. I was expecting fairies and unicorns to pop out somewhere, but they didnt (thank God). With that mixed in with constant deaths in Fair Haven, some weird crystal sludge, and romance, I was in a jumbled mess. WAY TOO MUCH for a less than 300 page book.

The characters are unrealistic. Joanna, Freya, and Ingrid had no character development, no background, no life. They were all bland. When a new character is introduced, I instantly forgot about them because they stood out in no way. Joanna’s love for some random kid who came out of no where was artificial and forgettable. Ingrid was boring. Everyone was boring. No wonder they added the crazy aunt to the tv series! If not, we’d be watching three women bumping their heads on walls.

The transitioning was horrible. They are in the library and some how end up at home and bam! They’re in the city and now they’re sexin’ on a boat. What the hell?!?! Just terrible.

I really want to know what this book is about because I am clueless. Is it about magical forces? Freya’s love triangle? Or maybe the random ass murders? It has to be about their broken home and Joanna’s inability to love new people. I…..DON’T…..KNOW!!!! It’s so frickin’ frustrating! And to think I almost bought this series.

Oh and the ending! *groans in frustration* No no no no no!

This book is getting:


I would give it half, but I liked the fact that de la Cruz took a chance and tried to incorporate Norse mythology. Yea…I dont intend to read anything else by her.

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